December 30, 2005

Things to Do 2006 Year

2006 year is going to be good, I can feel it.

December 28, 2005



December 24, 2005

X' mas Party in WSI 2006

Today's X'mas party in WSI too many people join that and the food disappear very very fast and the space is too small so everyone feel very hot and overcrowd around the 1th flood in WSI taipei.

Actually, today I feel very happy because a lot of friends go together and we sang Christmas's songs .

One new teacher been a Santa Claus and have given some gifts(candy) to us , so we all have fun there .

The sound of singing fills the ear, and the sound of laughter around the WSI.

Anyway , Merry Christmas to my all friends .
And Happy New Year!!!!

December 23, 2005


2006 Chinese New Year In ShangShai China

1/27 ~2/5要去上海過一個寒冷又溫暖的農曆新年,往年都是跟爸媽妹妹們在台北,哪也沒去,在家吃吃喝喝看電影,頂多去拜拜爬山嘍.今年玩具熊因為工作關係不能回來過年,只好我去

距離上次見面時間是是8月還是10月,我想不起來,反正時間突然過的好快,也好慢 ,終於要見面了!!


December 12, 2005


IKEA 亞洲旗艦店

IKEA是我在台北最愛逛的店,去了上海才發現住的地方有一座超級大大大的IKEA,興沖沖的跑去逛,才走進去沒多久,發現上海IKEA賣的價格其實跟台北的差不多, 沒便宜多少,量雖大,但是品質卻是跟台北的差很多,買了一跟窗廉伸縮干,買回來卻發現伸縮的功能居然壞了,又買了一個燒水的熱水壺,結果才第一次燒就有可怕的塑膠味,想想...算了別換了,因為可能換回來的還是一樣,因為這邊是中國,不是台灣



我不行了~投降吧!再走下去,就是滿街小兔和大兔跟著我了,反正該買的都買好了,就直接小跑步到結帳區,天ㄚ......................!!!!!!連結帳都是大排長龍,是怎樣! 人多到可以用ㄜ心來形容,誰叫上海已經是國際都市~不只是中國人,什麼國的人都有!耐心等吧

December 4, 2005

Learning English in taipei WSI is a " WRONG" choice?

Wall Street Institute in Taipei station is - high turn over rate. I have been here for about 5 months, and my consulent had already changed twice ,and they don't care about student's learn statute,and problem even our complains , just want to earn our money.

since November 1 , they changed their learning rules and don't care about students 's rights.
Yesterday afternoon have a social club at 1:00 ,and the topic is " MSN PARTY" teacher James told us can written down whatevery we want to write on the pice of papers. So finally every students known about how to play this game, and a lot of " gossip " from WSI taipei were figure out from every student . Some of them talk about the WSI Taipei 's new and bad rules changed and some of them talked about the WSI's teacher's "gossip". It's very funny and exciting games,but also very quiet in the classroom.

One student "Jane" she told me don't want to renew her contract anymore when her contract expired, and want to change another institure or school in Taipei.